Elementary School Families
Denver Public Schools is inspiring, challenging, and empowering our students to forge their own futures. Our goal in DPS is that every student graduates prepared for career and college success. A few key things to remember:
It is never too early to start preparing for career and college success.
Career and college is for every student.
Individual and career exploration creates future opportunities.
DPS is committed to ensuring that all students see themselves as rigorous learners.
Career and college programs save families time and money by providing opportunities for students to earn college credits in high school.
Financial aid resources to help pay for career and college opportunities are available to all students and families.
Why Career and College Success Programs Matter
Earning a college degree or post-high school training in Colorado results in higher wages, better health outcomes, greater life expectancy, and fewer interactions with the criminal justice system.
Our career and college success programs help prepare students for life after grades K-12 and ensure students are ready for college and career success. And these programs begin in elementary school…because it is never too early to start preparing your child(ren) for their future!
Why Are Career and College Conversations Important?
Elementary students are at a wonderful age to be exposed to the idea of their future. And you can help! Talk to your child about your hopes & dreams for their future: English | Spanish
Foster your students’ enthusiasm about “what do you want to be when you grow up” and encourage excitement about their futures.
Career and College Definitions

Career and College Success Programs

Tips for Elementary Parents and Caregivers
Help prepare your child for career & college success starting in elementary school
Read to your child every day or have them read to you.
Talk with your child about their school day, their homework, and how they like to learn.
Do your best to get your child to school on time every day. Attending school every day has a positive impact on learning.
Teachers want to hear from you! When parents and teachers work as partners, children do better in school and at home.
Nurture your child’s interests and passions. Often, interests and passions become pathways for new learning and for professions!
Talk to your child about your hopes & dreams for their future and also about different jobs and careers: English | Spanish
Cultivate your child’s natural curiosity by exploring the world around you. Go on walks outside together, observe a construction site, visit a museum or the zoo, or fix a meal together.
Support a growth mindset: children should be challenged in new ways, pushed to try various skills and activities, and taught to approach mistakes or failures as learning opportunities for next time.
Tips for Elementary Students
Activities and habits you can do – starting in elementary school – to get ready for career & college success
Read every day. Read books about different topics.
Work hard and try your best in school.
Find ways to learn outside of school.
Ask lots of questions.
Think about jobs that interest you and learn more about them.
If you speak another language, try to continue to develop it by practicing it with your family.
Believe in yourself…you have unique talents and gifts!