Chuck Carpenter
Email Chuck Carpenter
Financial Reports
Quarterly Financial Statements
Denver Public Schools is fully accredited by the Colorado Department of Education and is subject to periodic monitoring by the State to ensure continued compliance with accreditation standards. Accordingly, DPS has a strong interest in showing how district money is spent in the pursuit of a quality education for all students in DPS.
While DPS has provided financial information online for years, consolidating materials here is an important step toward even greater financial transparency. As you access these links, know that DPS – with over 93,000 students – is the largest school district in the state and is one of 178 school districts statewide.
Denver Public Schools primarily serves the residents of the City and County of Denver; 53% of the District is Latino, 13.4% is African American, and 25.3% is Anglo. Over sixty-five percent of the District’s students qualify for the federal free lunch program. DPS is comprised of 76 Elementary, 16 K-8, 12 Middle, 18 High, 31 Charter and 8 Alternative schools. The District’s special education and gifted and talented programs are among the most highly respected programs of their kind in Colorado and the District’s adult education program at Emily Griffith Opportunity School is widely recognized across the country.
Disclaimer: Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.

Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-44-304
Contact Information
Chief Financial Officer
Steve Clawson
Email Steve Clawson
Executive Director of Finance
Katie Hechavarria
Email Katie Hechavarria
Denver Public Schools
Email Denver Public Schools