About Multilingual Education

What We Do
Multilingual Education provides guidance, resources, training and support to ensure that all schools can provide equitable, rigorous learning environments for their Language Learners. We believe that developing home language skills help students stay connected with their family, culture and community. We support our students in further developing their native language proficiency both at school and at home, and honor this through the Seal of Biliteracy.
Who We Serve
The Multilingual Education department serves all Language Learners in DPS, including Multilingual Learners with home languages other than English, and students in our dual language and world language programs.
DPS has over 35,000 MLLs with home languages other than English in ECE to 12th grade. These students enrich the linguistic palette of our city with the sounds of more than 200 languages spoken across our district. Spanish is the home language for the majority of MLLs in DPS. Other widely-spoken languages include Arabic, Arabic, Amharic, Vietnamese, Somali, French, Nepali, Tigrigna, Mandarin and Russian.
Over 17,000 students are enrolled in world languages at DPS schools. Languages taught include Spanish, Heritage Spanish Language Arts, Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese and Lakota.
DPS currently has 15 dual language/immersion schools instructing over 3000 students in Spanish and English, Mandarin and English, or French and English
Contact Us
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